The lost beers of Holland

Holland and BelgiumTucked in between Britain, Belgium and Germany, it is not surprising that The Netherlands, more colloquially known as Holland, is a beer drinking nation. And a nation that boasts a rich brewing history: in the Middle Ages it was a beer production powerhouse. In fact, it was the Dutch who taught Britain and Belgium how to make beer with hops. Even the very word ‘beer’ in English was taken from the Dutch language. There is however one peculiar thing about the Netherlands: all of its historic beers are lost.


And… we’ve started!

Openen bierflesLost Beers, my weblog about historical beers, is now a fact. In fact, I have been doing this for a while now, just in a different language. The Dutch version started over two years ago. Now it’s time to expand the possible audience with a website in English. The subject matter is the same: the old beer varieties of the Netherlands (Holland) and other countries.
